sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007

Más lagos

Ready for a last after-work hike with the Wednesday group, we joined them at the Kendall Lakes trailhead. Since we arrived a little early, we set off with Bob and Dave, expecting the others to catch up with us shortly. However, the majority of the trail was an old logging road, so we made really good time up to the lakes. Goat tracks appeared on the trail now and then, but we never spotted their owners. The first trail option was overgrown and practically impassable. Not having a machete on hand, I decided we should continue on like the vague directions indicated we could. After a few false leads, we found the path to the lower lakes, then scrambled up the hill to a third lake where we polished off our pb&j. The lower lakes still had some sunshine, so we headed back down, just as the rest of the group caught up with us. A few of the guys splashed in the shadowy lake. Had there been a little more sun I would have been tempted, myself. We all hiked back down together, arriving at the trailhead, with headlamps blazing, shortly after dark.

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