lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007

Lago del Nieve

We decided to sneak in an after-work hike, despite the iffy Spring weather, so we headed up to Alpental. During the winter this is a ski resort; in the summer it's packed with day-hikers on their way to Snow Lake, Gem Lake and various peaks. When we arrived, there were only about 3 other cars in the misty parking-lot. The hike in was pretty gradual, but snow still covered portions of the trail. Atop the trail summit we could look down on the lake - which was almost entirely covered with ice and snow, the far bank obscured by clouds. A true snow lake. No trail wound its way down the slope so we picked and skidded our way down to the bank. A waterfall broke some of the ice and snow near a rocky outcropping where we stopped to have dinner. Campbell's Chunky Split Pea soup never tasted as good as the batch we warmed up on the little campstove. We sat contemplating the peaceful valley; the only sound was the splash of the waterfall, as all the other people had already left. They may as well have taken all of civilization with them, as quiet as it was. The fog that made my whiskers droop and left little droplets in Ryan's spiky hair began to permeate our fur, so we headed back. Kelly struggled up the steep slope, following Ryan's methodically-kicked steps. Damp, tired, and smelling like trees we strode the last few feet to the parking lot as the sun dipped down below the mountains.

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